Life at present is not what it used be, unable to move as we did before, unable to experience places we have been before, our senses deprived.

We aim to structure a series of 12 films with 12 different recipes all positioned toward things we long for during a time of isolation. Memories of places: Visiting Ticino or planning a summer holiday to Italy. Dreaming of food, and the journey that goes with it. With summer in the air, grilling is upmost on our minds and what better time to be dusting of the barbecue and enjoying an open fire with a cold one. Therefore the Rusterei is pleased to present you with 12 fond memories, reminding us of things we

once loved, 12 recipes simple to grill, at the same time leaving you with a taste of better days to come.

Style of filming: Cinematic pictures focused on simplicity, set in a stylized environment but with the attention purely on the task at hand. Contrasting pictures only highlighting the topic while surrounding areas fade into the shadows. ,

Uniquely we aim to have a voice over artist reading poems of places traveled to introduce each of the recipes leaving Chef Stefan Kraus to bring across the simplicity of the dishes.

Discover here the video.